Sub-Section 1-560-16 - Student Evaluations

CMH EMS Education Manual

Each course administered shall have a written record of student performance. This record may include, but not limited to written tests, practical skill evaluations, or other written evidence of test or exam. Individual records such as tests and skill sheets shall be maintained as a hard-copy or electronic copy in the student’s file at EMS Headquarters. Class rosters shall be scanned in or otherwise electronically maintained on CMH’s file server network. Student transcripts shall be maintained electronically and be available to students upon request from the CMH file server network.

Copies of completed evaluations will be maintained in student records at CMH Headquarters. Students may request a copy or to review their file or any portion thereof at any time and will be granted access within three business days.

Reasonable accommodations will be made for individuals with disabilities at their request.

Written and electronic tests (Cognitive Assessments)


Written exams will be developed by the administrative agency (i.e. American Heart Association, International Trauma Life Support, etc.) or developed by the instructor to evaluate established lesson objectives.

All tests shall be at least partially comprehensive in nature. For example, EMR, EMT, and Paramedic Academies have a test after each chapter lecture. Each Academy chapter test will contain a few questions from all previous chapters covered.

High-value written tests (i.e. trimester final exams) will be discussed, reviewed, and/or approved by the medical director as needed. These high-value written testing instruments will be evaluated for poorly written questions.

Refer to Sub-Section 1-560-24 - High Stakes Exam Analysis for the tool used to evaluate test validity.

Practical Tests (Psychomotor Assessments)

Practical skill evaluations will be developed by the administrative agency (i.e. American Heart Association, International Trauma Life Support, etc.) or developed by the instructor to evaluate established lesson objectives. All practical tests will be reviewed and approved by the medical director as needed.

Behavioral Tests (Affective Assessments)

Professional behavior evaluations will be developed by the program director to evaluate the student’s conduct and motivations in both the classroom and during clinicals. These evaluations may be imbedded in other assessment tools or stand-alone instruments.

Clinical Evaluations:

Students performing clinical rotations will be evaluated using an online form. Students will not receive credit for attending clinicals until the evaluation by their preceptor is completed. Students must present their preceptor a link to the evaluation form.

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
01/29/17pdfAdded reference to electronic testing.
04/25/18pdfFixed typos on the paramedic student clinical evaluation cards.
10/12/20Moved online.
01/15/21Updated broken link for behavior eval form.
02/25/22pdfModified quiz definition to allow assigning point values.

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