Sub-Section 3-350-68 - Tips to Succeed on an EMT Academy Exam

CMH EMS Education Manual

Exams are designed to assess your knowledge and critical thinking ability. Questions are authored by instructors across the country and reviewed by subject matter experts and a board certified Emergency Physician. After you finish the exam, we hope you will come away with a good understanding of topics that you mastered along with ones that need improvement.

The exams are intended to prepare you for your national or state certification exam. In addition to studying the textbook, we recommend familiarizing yourself with current American Heart Association guidelines

Exam items generally include the following question styles. Understanding how to interpret these questions will help you succeed:

What should you do?

These questions ask you to apply knowledge to treat a patient as you would in the field. You should select the best treatment option available. If you feel there are multiple “correct” answers then pick the BEST option by imagining that there is a “next” or “first” at the end. E.g. “What should you do next ?” or “What should you do first?"

What should you suspect?

These questions ask you to diagnose patients by suspecting underlying comorbidities or pathophysiologies that are described in the question. If more than one answer seems “correct,” think of the condition that is the most life-threatening. You should suspect the most lethal diagnosis given the signs and symptoms.

What is the most likely cause?

These questions are asking you to think about the most probable cause or condition based on the signs and symptoms. This type of question asks about what is most likely, NOT the most lethal.

Test-taking tips:

We wish you the best on this exam, on your certification exam, and ultimately in your new career as an EMS professional!

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