Section 1-105 - Clinical Agreements (CMH students to other clinical sites)

CMH EMS Education Manual

Link Agency Date signed by agency Date signed by CMH Notes
1-105-06.pdf Belton Fire Department Put on hold by Belton 1/15/19
1-105-12.pdf Boone County Fire Protection District
1-105-18.pdf Citizens Memorial Hospital 9/15/2020 9/15/2020
1-105-24.pdf CoxHealth 5/1/2018 8/2/2017
1-105-27.pdf Dallas County Health Department
1-105-30.pdf Ellett Memorial Hospital 10/2/2020 9/22/2020
1-105-33.pdf Golden Valley Memorial Hospital 9/28/2020 9/15/2020
1-105-36.pdf Greene County Medical Examiner
1-105-38.pdf Hickory County Health Department 2/6/2023 2/9/2023
1-105-39.pdf Lake Regional Hospital 9/22/2020
1-105-48.pdf Mercy Hospital 4/16/2021 4/9/2021
1-105-54.pdf Nevada Regional Medical Center 9/15/2020
1-105-57.pdf Ozarks Community Health Center 1/4/2023 2/9/2023
1-105-60.pdf Polk County Central Dispatch 3/29/2017 3/29/2017
1-105-66.pdf Polk County Health Center 12/1/2016 12/1/2016
1-105-69.pdf St Clair County Health Center
1-105-72.pdf Taney County Ambulance District 2/5/2019 2/13/2019
1-105-78.pdf Vernon County Ambulance District 9/29/2020 9/15/2020
1-105-84.pdf Warsaw-Lincoln Ambulance District 9/28/2020 9/15/2020
1-105-90.pdf West Peculiar Fire Department

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
01/21/16Added this section to have a location to place signed agreements.
08/17/16Added health department clinical agreement.
01/29/17pdfAdded scanned signatures for CMH Pre-Hospital, CMH ER, and Polk County Health Center.
02/01/17Added signed clinical agreement from CMH Infusion Center.
03/01/17pdfAdded signed clinical agreements from the following CMH departments: Anesthesia, Cardiology, Geriatric Psych, ICU, L&D, Laboratory, RT Surgery.
03/06/17Added CMH Infusion Center agreement.
04/04/17Added Polk County Central Dispatch signatures.
04/25/17Added clinical details for each clinical agreement.
05/02/17Added agreements for Bolivar Family Care Center, Bolivar Walk-In Clinic, and Dallas County Walk-In Clinic, Mercy ER, and Mercy EMS. Made adjustments to Pediatric Walk-In Clinic agreement to reduce hours to 10 and allow for other locations.
05/08/17Added signature for CMH Pediatric Walk-In Clinic.
05/09/17Added signature for CMH Dallas County Walk-In Clinic.
06/08/17Added signed clinical agreement from Mercy EMS.
07/20/17pdfAdded draft clinical agreement from CoxHealth.
07/02/18pdfAdded CoxHealth signatures.
09/10/18Added Mercy Hospital agreement.
01/15/19pdfMoved this entire section to separate documents found on the CMH file server.
09/08/20Created this section from documents on file.
02/25/21pdfUpdated signatory dates for VCAD.
12/29/22pdfAdded links for Dallas Health, Hickory Health, St Clair Health, and OCHC.
02/13/23pdfAdded HCHD and OCHC.

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