Section 1-560 - Program Evaluations

CMH EMS Education Manual


Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
01/18/16pdfUpdated links to online content. Updated evaluation form to include online content.
03/06/17pdfAdded date and times to hand-out cards. Created cards for each level of student with descriptions of skills and abilities for each. Created medic team lead individual call evaluation form. Created medic team leader mentor final sign-off evaluation form.
04/04/17Corrected some typing errors.
07/11/17Added instruments to evaluate affective domain. Added process to perform annual test item analysis.
11/16/18pdfMoved all the clinical evaluation cards out of this section and into the relevant program areas.
05/14/19pdfAdded discussion on how item analysis is done and criteria for removing poor questions. Also added comment that all tests have a comprehensive component.
07/17/19Changed document number from 3-00 to 1-560
07/17/19Changed document number from 3-330 to 1-560
07/17/19Changed document number from 3-660 to 1-560
07/17/19Changed document number from 3-770 to 1-560
07/17/19Changed document number from 3-880 to 1-560
07/17/19Changed document number from 3-990 to 1-560
07/17/19pdfImproved detailed descriptions of each type of written tests. Added more details of when to review test items based on discrimination.
10/12/20pdfMoved this section to the online format.

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CMH EMS Education Mission: "Provide state-of-the-art education to develop and support a team of exceptional emergency medical professionals."
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