Section 1-800 - Sample Certificate of Completion

CMH EMS Education Manual

After successful completion of each course, each student will receive a certificate similar to below which also includes a transcript of courses completed to date. A link is provided to the student via email. The link takes them to a course and instructor evaluation form. Once that form is completed, they can download and save their certificate and transcript. Each link is randomly generated and can only be used once to prevent unauthorized persons from downloading certificates and to prevent duplicate evaluations being completed.

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
01/18/16pdfUpdated sample certificate to reflect actual certificate being issued.
01/29/17pdfUpdated sample certificate.
07/17/19Changed document number from 5-840 to 1-800
10/12/20pdfMoved this section to the online format.

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CMH EMS Education Mission: "Provide state-of-the-art education to develop and support a team of exceptional emergency medical professionals."
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