Section 2-360 - Class Cancellation Policy

CMH EMS Education Manual

In the event of course cancellation, for any reason, registrants will be notified immediately, and course fees will be refunded when all course materials are returned. In the event of poor weather, courses will be cancelled at the discretion of the Lead Instructor. In the event that a class is cancelled, that class will be rescheduled, and students should prepare for the next class already on the schedule.

In the event of cancellation, students will be contacted via text message and email. If students believe road conditions are unsafe near their home, they are responsible for contacting the instructor.

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
01/18/16pdfRemoved reference to school cancellation.
01/21/16pdfAdded comment that students will be contacted via email and text if the class is canceled.
07/17/19Changed document number from 4-400 to 2-360
08/21/20pdfMoved this section to the online format.

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