Section 2-400 - Academic Integrity

CMH EMS Education Manual

Academic integrity is vital to the success of the student and the educational program. Quality education leads to quality care. The highest standards of ethical and professional conduct are integral to success in the EMS education. As members of the EMS profession, the student shares a commitment to adhere to the EMS Code of Ethics:

Professional status as an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Practitioner is maintained and enriched by the willingness of the individual practitioner to accept and fulfill obligations to society, other medical professionals, and the EMS profession. As an EMS practitioner, I solemnly pledge myself to the following code of professional ethics:

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
08/17/16Added this section.
07/17/19Changed document number from 4-440 to 2-400
08/21/20pdfMoved this section to the online format.

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