Sub-Section 3-350-28 - EMT Academy Tuition Details

CMH EMS Education Manual

Tuition of $750 includes textbooks, online access codes, polo shirts (2). A non-refundable application fee of $20 is due at time of application. Fees and tuition can be paid by check, credit card, or CMH employee payroll deduction.

A payment schedule it available. A tuition payment of $250 is due by the first day of class, with $250 then due by the Mid-Term Test day, and the third payment of $250 due by the Final Test day. These exams cannot be taken without payments being current.

Month Amount Due
First Day of Class $250
Mid-Term Test Day $250
Final Test Day $250

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
08/10/20Moved online.
08/30/21pdfChanged payment schedule from due at exam time to due first of the month.

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CMH EMS Education Mission: "Provide state-of-the-art education to develop and support a team of exceptional emergency medical professionals."
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