Sub-Section 3-490-36D - Paramedic Academy APA Part 4

CMH EMS Education Manual

Applied Research Project - Part 4 of 4 - Instructions:

Part four of the Applied Research Project focuses on presenting the findings from parts one through three. The final product should be in the form of both written documents and multimedia presentation. The completed part four of the Applied Research Project should be submitted in an electronic format (Microsoft Office is preferred). There is no minimum number of pages, but correct APA citations and bibliography, spelling, grammar, and punctuation is expected.

The following sections must be included:

Applied Research Project - Part 4 of 4 - Grading Rubric:

Date graded:

Student's name:

Paper title:

Evaluator's name:

Section Sub-Section Possible Score Score Given Comments for improvement
All sections
(10% of grade)
Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The score is based on the number of errors per number of words. 6
Correct sentence structure. The score is based on the calculated reading grade level and the Grammarly score. 2
Original content. The score is based on the percent of plagiarized words found with Grammarly. 1
Correct APA format of citations throughout paper. 1
Abstract Section
(15% of grade)
Abstract: Summarize all previous papers in an abstract format. Should be self-contained so if the audience only reads this section, they will get all the information they need.
Self-containted. 4
Problem statement defined. 2
Significance summarized. 2
Literature review summarized. 2
Recommendations summarized. 5
Recommendations Section
(10% of grade)
Recommendations: Provide recommendations that flow from the data in the second paper and relate to the problem statement in the first paper.
Recommendations logically flowed from the results. 2
Recommendations were supported by the literature review. 4
Recommendations provided for the organization and for future leaders. 4
Appendix Section
(35% of grade)
Appendix C: Provide a copy of the document or change recommended. This may be a policy, protocol, or other information that answers the problem statement. This document needs to be in its final form and read to be adopted by the target agency.
Final product(s) of research included. 4
Answers the problem statement. 5
Useful document worthy of implementation. 8
Document in its “final” form with minimal changes needed before implementation. 18
Appendix Section
(5% of grade)
Appendix D: Provide a copy of your lecture notes, powerpoint presentation or other document you used to guide your presentation.
Copy of presentation included. 20

Applied Research Project Presentation Grading Sheet


Student name:


Evaluator name:

Start time:

End time:

Description Possible Score Score Given Comments for improvement
Problem statement defined? 3
Significance summarized? 3
Literature review summarized? 3
Recommendations summarized? 3
Includes audio and/or visual? 2
Sufficiently persuasive? 10
Stays within target time of 10-15 minutes? 1

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
12/29/20Created this section from APA instructions in individual course syllabii
08/26/22pdfMade changes for the 2022 paramedic academy. Had to adjust the grading rubric for part 4 due to missing parts 2 and 3.

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