Sub-Section 3-630-09 - Community Paramedic Academy Curriculum

CMH EMS Education Manual


The Community Paramedic program will use the current edition curriculum and textbook from AAOS (published by Jones and Bartlett):

The current edition of the textbook used is "Community Health Paramedicine" with "Navigate 2 Advantage Package."

ISBN: 9781284040968
"People Care: Perspectives and Practices for Professional Caregivers - 3rd edition."

ISBN: 9781616695990

Books issed to students during the Academy that will be returned at the end of each course:

"Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services."

ISBN: 9781449641917
Library of more than 700 reference books can be browsed and checked out by visiting

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CMH EMS Education Mission: "Provide state-of-the-art education to develop and support a team of exceptional emergency medical professionals."
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