Sub-Section 3-630-19 - IBSC CP-C Advanced Placement

CMH EMS Education Manual

Currently certified Community Paramedics by the International Board of Specialty Certification may apply for advanced placement into the Community Paramedic Academy. Students must complete the following:

Upon acceptance into the program, all current requirements of Missouri regulation 13 CSR 30-40.800 must be completed. This includes a minimum of 60 classroom/lab hours in addition to all clinical hours. The student may choose which classroom/lab sections to attend but they must include the following minimums:

Courses selected must be communicated to the lead instructor prior to the first day of the academy and attendance will be expected. Upon completion of the academy, a hard minimum of 60 hours of classroom/lab time is required. Note: Classroom contact hours are only awarded for successful completion of all required activities (i.e. lab time and minimum of 70% score on chapter test).

In all cases, completion of the chapter or course test associated with the attended course is required and will be used for overall academy grade calculation. The final exam must also be successfully completed. Finally, all candidates must successfully complete all requirements of Sub-Section 3.630-66 - EMS 706 (Community Paramedicine Field Experience) Course.

Full tuition is also required for this advanced placement.

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11/10/22Added this section.

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