Sub-Section 3-350-44 - EMT Academy Classroom Details

CMH EMS Education Manual

Dates: Sep 27 through Oct 1

Times: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

Location: CMH Douglas Building located at 1155 W Parkview St, Bolivar, MO. Entrance to the classroom is from the North side of the building in the lower entrance. Classrooms are immediately on the left once you enter the exterior doors. Precise location of the doors to enter: fields.capable.pines.

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
08/10/20Moved online.
04/13/21ddfMade which weeknights more flexible instead of dictating which nights will be used.
07/08/21Added section
11/22/21pdfUpdated generic weekly schedule to now be common link shared between academies.

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CMH EMS Education Mission: "Provide state-of-the-art education to develop and support a team of exceptional emergency medical professionals."
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