Section 3-280 - EMR Academy

CMH EMS Education Manual

This section serves as the course syllabus for the Medical Responder Academy. Maximum class size will be determined by the lead instructor based on classroom size, social distancing requirements, availability of assistant instructors, and textbook availability.


Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
01/21/16pdfAdded specifics for the curriculum used.
07/08/16Modified when ID badge should be worn.
08/15/16Added public health clinical requirements.
03/06/17pdfAdded CoAEMSP definition of EMR.
04/04/17Removed ER and Health Department clinical requirements. Reduced number of medical and trauma patients from three each to one each.
07/14/17Changed textbooks from Pearson to Jones and Bartlett (AAOS).
07/20/17pdfUpdated class schedule to reflect J&B.
11/28/17Added BLS CPR to the curriculum.
05/14/19pdfAdded contact information to clinical evaluation card in case of student exposure.
07/17/19Changed document number from 6-120 to 3-280
09/09/19pdfModified the academy course name.
11/11/19pdfAdded library reference to curriculum.
10/14/20pdfMoved this section to the online format.

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CMH EMS Education Mission: "Provide state-of-the-art education to develop and support a team of exceptional emergency medical professionals."
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