Sub-Section 3-490-34 - Paramedic Academy Classroom Details

CMH EMS Education Manual

The Paramedic Academy is broken into five (5) trimesters of 16 weeks each:

Coursework, classroom activities, and in-class testing will focus on personal safety, teamwork, and exceptional, compassionate patient care. Extensive use of simulation and scenario education will be included. Additionally, personal work habits and fitness activities will be included to prepare students for a life-long career in EMS.

The use of various "make-it-stick" principles will be utilized during the course with the goal of increasing student transfer of learning from the classroom to the street.

Trimester, contact, and clinical hours:

Course Credit hours Classroom and lab contact hours Clinical (hospital) contact hours Field experience (ambulance) contact hours Field internship (ambulance team lead) contact hours Total contact hours
EMS 501 (Paramedicine I) 15 240 240
First Trimester Total 15 240 0 0 0 240
EMS 506 (Paramedicine Clinical Experience I) 5 72 72
EMS 511 (Paramedicine II) 15 232 232
Second Trimester Total 19 232 72 0 0 304
EMS 516 (Paramedicine Clinical Experience II) 11 178 178
EMS 521 (Paramedicine III) 11 176 176
Third Trimester Total 22 176 178 0 0 354
EMS 526 (Paramedicine Field Experience) 6 100 100
Fourth Trimester Total 6 0 0 100 0 100
EMS 536 (Paramedicine Field Internship) 9 150 150
Fifth Trimester Total 9 0 0 0 150 150
Academy Totals 72 648 250 100 150 1,148
Minimums established by MO 19 CSR 30-40.331(2) 500 250 250 1,000
"Typical range" by CoAEMSP 1,000-1,300

Participation Credit

All participation scores must be above 70% for each semester to successfully pass the course.

Chapter pre-quiz participation:

"Lights and Siren" and "People Care" weekly discussion participation:

Generic Chapter Classroom and Laboratory Schedule

The following schedule is used for each chapter classroom and laboratory activities. Some chapters span several class periods and some class periods have multiple chapters. Instructors and students will need to practice flexibility with varied chapter content and guest instructors.

  1. Pre-quiz: JBLearning quiz is due by 0730 of the correlating class.
  2. Bell work: Students write down and submit a hand-written answer to the question: "What do you remember from the previous class?" A similar spaced-retrieval question may be used for participation credit.
  3. Fast five: A five-question quiz over any previously-covered material is used to implement the concepts of interleaving and spaced retrieval.
  4. Case study: The chapter case study is presented to develop classroom discussion.
  5. Chapter lecture: This involves highlights from the reading assignment, tips and tricks from the field, and guest lecturers. Student-led impromptu lecture based on student questions is also included.
  6. Pharmacology review: Instructor-led impromptu lecture based on the list of medications to be tested on the next class date. This lecture will contain heavy discussion on represented protocols as they apply to these medications.
  7. Skills lab: Specific skills associated with the lecture will be reviewed, practiced, and tested. Observation, practice, and refinement of individual skills on manikins and fellow students.
  8. Pharmacology quiz: Assigned medication(s) and/or random medication(s) that have already been quizzed.
  9. EKG quiz: A random EKG will be selected and must be interpreted.
  10. Simulation lab: The on-duty student team manages a simulation scenario based on an actual call and patient. Other students play as actors or patients, evaluate the team, or observe as assigned.
  11. Simulation review: Directly after the scenario, the entire class reviews the scenario. The on-duty team critiques themselves first, followed by the instructor, and then the entire class. Instructor-led impromptu lecture based on street and real-life experience.
  12. Exit ticket: Students write down and submit meaningful explanations of the main points of the day or answer specific questions given by the instructor. Exit ticket completion is used for class participation credit.
  13. Learning journal: A weekly entry in the learning journal is used to track the student's own thoughts on learning new content and recalling old content. Journals will be reviewed by the lead instructor weekly during the Thursday class for participation credit.

Generic Weekly Schedule:

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Morning Paramedic
CMH PHS EMT Internship
CMH PHS EMT Internship CMH PHS EMT Internship Paramedic
CMH PHS EMT Internship
Community Paramedic
CMH PHS EMT Internship
Afternoon Paramedic
CMH PHS EMT Internship
CMH PHS EMT Internship CMH PHS EMT Internship Paramedic
CMH PHS EMT Internship
Community Paramedic
CMH PHS EMT Internship
Evening Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician

Change Log:

DateLink to
Description of change
10/31/20Moved online.
11/16/20pdfUpdated schedule for 2021 Paramedic Academy. Moved A&P to first trimester. Added Lights and Siren book.
11/22/21pdfAdded generic weekly agenda that is shared between academies.
12/23/21pdfIntegrated A&P class.
02/24/22pdfUpdated some course total hours. Added make-it-stick comment.
02/25/22pdfAdded to generic classroom items.

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CMH EMS Education Mission: "Provide state-of-the-art education to develop and support a team of exceptional emergency medical professionals."
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