CMH EMS Education Manual
The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredits programs upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).
The following sections are organized according to those accreditation Standards and Guidelines, which are the minimum standards of quality used in accrediting programs that prepare individuals to enter the Emergency Medical Services professions.
CAAHEP standards | Standard details | Documentation of meeting the standard |
CAAHEP Standard I.A. - Sponsoring Institution | A sponsoring institution must be at least one of the following, and must either award credit for the program or have an articulation agreement with an accredited post-secondary institution. A post-secondary academic institution accredited by an institutional accrediting agency that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, and authorized under applicable law or other acceptable authority to provide a post-secondary program, which awards a minimum of a diploma / certificate at the completion of the program. | Articulation agreements with Southwest Baptist University (SBU) and Bolivar Technical College (BTC) are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief. Copies of associated accreditation are also on file. |
The Sponsor must ensure that the provisions of these Standards and Guidelines are met. | Section 1.480 - EMS Education Advisory Board. The Advisory Board has representation from sponsoring institutions. | |
Minutes of Advisory Board meetings are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief which reflect reviewing standards and guidelines and accreditation status. | ||
CAAHEP Standard II.A. - Program Goals and Outcomes | There must be a written statement of the program’s goals and learning domains consistent with and responsive to the demonstrated needs and expectations of the various communities of interest served by the educational program. | Sub-Section 3.490.02 - Paramedic Academy Goal. |
The communities of interest that are served by the program must include, but are not limited to: students, graduates, faculty, sponsor administration, hospital/clinic representatives, employers, police and/or fire services with a role in EMS services, key governmental officials, physicians, and the public. | Section 1.480 - EMS Education Advisory Board. | |
The Advisory Committee should have significant representation and input from non-program personnel. Advisory committee meetings may include participation by synchronous electronic means. | ||
Program-specific statements of goals and learning domains provide the basis for program planning, implementation, and evaluation. Such goals and learning domains must be compatible with the mission of the sponsoring institution(s), the expectations of the communities of interest, and nationally accepted standards of roles and functions. Goals and learning domains are based upon the substantiated needs of health care providers and employers, and the educational needs of the students served by the educational program. | Copies of Advisory Board meeting minutes are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief which reflect approval of program goals. | |
CAAHEP Standard II.B. - Appropriateness of Goals and Learning Domains | The program must regularly assess its goals and learning domains. Program personnel must identify and respond to changes in the needs and/or expectations of its communities of interest. | Copies of Advisory Board meeting minutes are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief which reflect approval of program goals and learning domains. |
An advisory committee, which is representative of at least each of the communities of interest named in these Standards, must be designated and charged with the responsibility of meeting at least annually, to assist program and sponsor personnel in formulating and periodically revising appropriate goals and learning domains, monitoring needs and expectations, and ensuring program responsiveness to change, and to review and endorse the program required minimum numbers of patient contacts. | Section 1.480 - EMS Education Advisory Board. | |
CAAHEP Standard II.C. - Minimum Expectations | The program must have the following goal defining minimum expectations: Paramedic: “To prepare competent entry-level Paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains with or without exit points at the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician and/or Emergency Medical Technician, and/or Emergency Medical Responder levels.” | Sub-Section 3.490.02 - Paramedic Academy Goal. |
The program must have the following goal defining minimum expectations: Advanced Emergency Medical Technician: “To prepare competent entry-level Advanced Emergency Medical Technician in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.” | No AEMT program currently exists. | |
Programs adopting educational goals beyond entry-level competence must clearly delineate this intent and provide evidence that all students have achieved the basic competencies prior to entry into the field with or without exit points at the Emergency Medical Technician, and/or Emergency Medical Responder levels. Nothing in this Standard restricts programs from formulating goals beyond entry-level competence. | No additional goals have been identified. | |
CAAHEP Standard III.A.1. - Program Resources | Program resources must be sufficient to ensure the achievement of the program’s goals and outcomes. | Section 1.560 - Program Evaluations. Results of student, faculty, and employer surveys are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief. Copies of Advisory Board minutes are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief, which reflect reviewing these survey results. |
Resources must include, but are not limited to: faculty; clerical and support staff; | Section 1.240 - Faculty, General. Section 1.280 - Faculty, Program Director. Section 1.360 - Faculty, Paramedic Lead Instructor. Section 1.440 - Faculty, Guest Instructors. | |
curriculum; | Sub-Section 3.490.10 - Paramedic Academy Curriculum. | |
finances; | Section 1.160 - Training Budget. | |
offices; classroom, laboratory, and, ancillary student facilities; equipment; supplies; computer resources; instructional reference materials, | Section 1.520 - Physical Facilities. | |
clinical affiliates; | Copies of all affiliation agreements are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief. | |
and faculty/staff continuing education. | Section 1.400 - Faculty, Field Training Officers. | |
CAAHEP Standard III.A.2. - Hospital / Clinical Affiliations and Field / Internship Affiliations | For all affiliations, students must have access to adequate numbers of patients, proportionally distributed by age-range, chief complaint and interventions in the delivery of emergency care appropriate to the level of the Emergency Medical Services Profession(s) for which training is being offered. The clinical/field experience/internship resources must ensure exposure to, and assessment and management of the following patients and conditions: adult trauma and medical emergencies; airway management to include endotracheal intubation; obstetrics to include obstetric patients with delivery and neonatal assessment and care; pediatric trauma and medical emergencies including assessment and management; and geriatric trauma and medical emergencies. | Section 1.560 - Program Evaluations. Results of student, faculty, and employer surveys are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief. Copies of Advisory Board minutes are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief which reflect reviewing these survey results. Section 1.680 - Course and Student Records. Student records are available to reflect actual number of patient contacts per clinical hour obtained by previous students in all of the listed categories. |
CAAHEP Standard III.B.1. - Program Director | The program director must be responsible for all aspects of the program, including, but not limited to:
Section 1.280 - Faculty, Program Director. |
CAAHEP Standard III.B.2. - Medical Director | The medical director must be responsible for medical oversight of the program, and must:
Section 1-200 - Medical Director. |
CAAHEP Standard III.B.5. - Faculty / Instructional Staff | In each location where students are assigned for didactic or clinical instruction or supervised practice, there must be instructional faculty designated to coordinate supervision and provide frequent assessments of the students’ progress in achieving acceptable program requirements. The faculty must be knowledgeable in course content and effective in teaching their assigned subjects, and capable through academic preparation, training and experience to teach the courses or topics to which they are assigned. | Section 1-400 - Faculty, Field Training Officers. |
For most programs, there should be a faculty member to assist in teaching and/or clinical coordination in addition to the program director. The faculty member should be certified by a nationally recognized certifying organization at an equal or higher level of professional training than the Emergency Medical Services Profession(s) for which training is being offered. | Section 1-440 - Faculty, Guest Instructors. | |
CAAHEP Standard III.B.6. - Lead Instructor | When the Program Director delegates specified responsibilities to a lead instructor, that individual must:
Section 1-360 - Faculty, Paramedic Lead Instructor. |
CAAHEP Standard III.C. - Curriculum | The curriculum must ensure the achievement of program goals and learning domains. Instruction must be an appropriate sequence of classroom, laboratory, clinical/field experience, and field internship activities. Progression of learning must be didactic/laboratory integrated with or followed by clinical/field experience followed by the capstone field internship, which must occur after all core didactic, laboratory, and clinical experience. | Sub-Section 3-490-10 - Paramedic Academy Curriculum. Sub-Section 3-490-38 - Paramedic Academy Academic Progress. |
Instruction must be based on clearly written course syllabi that include course description, | Sub-Section 3-490-34 - Paramedic Academy Classroom Details. | |
course objectives, | Sub-Section 3-490-02 - Paramedic Academy Goal. | |
methods of evaluation, | Sub-Section 3-490-40 - Paramedic Academy Grade Calculation. | |
topic outline, | Sub-Section 3-490-50 - EMS 501 (Paramedicine I) Course. Sub-Section 3-490-58 - EMS 511 (Paramedicine II) Course. Sub-Section 3-490-64 - EMS 521 (Paramedicine III) Course. | |
and competencies required for graduation. | Sub-Section 3-490-76 - Paramedic Academy Terminal Competency Form. | |
The program must demonstrate by comparison that the curriculum offered meets or exceeds the content and competency of the latest edition of the National EMS Education Standards. | Sub-Section 3-490-10 - Paramedic Academy Curriculum. | |
The program must set and require minimum numbers of patient/skill contacts for each of the required patients and conditions listed in these Standards, | Sub-Section 3-490-46 - Paramedic Academy Laboratory, Scenario, and Simulation Requirements. Sub-Section 3-490-48 - Paramedic Academy Clinical Requirements. | |
and at least annually evaluate and document that the established program minimums are adequate to achieve entry-level competency. | Results of student, faculty, and employer surveys are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief. Copies of Advisory Board minutes are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief which reflect reviewing these survey results. | |
Further pre-requisites and/or co-requisites should be required to address competencies in basic health sciences (Anatomy and Physiology) | A&P is integrated into Sub-Section 3-490-50 - EMS 501 (Paramedicine I) Course. | |
and in basic academic skills (English and Mathematics). | Degree requirements for general education courses are specifically listed in each of the articulations agreements which are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief. | |
The field internship must provide the student with an opportunity to serve as team leader in a variety of pre-hospital advanced life support emergency medical situations. | Sub-Section 3-490-70 - EMS 536 (Paramedicine Field Internship) Course. | |
AEMT is based on competency, but may be typically 150-250 beyond EMT, which is 150-190, and may be taught separately or combined. | No AEMT program currently exists. | |
CAAHEP Standard III.D. - Resource Assessment | The program must, at least annually, assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the resources described in these Standards. The program must include results of resource assessment from at least students, faculty, medical director(s), and advisory committee using the CoAEMSP resource assessment tools The results of resource assessment must be the basis for ongoing planning and appropriate change. An action plan must be developed when deficiencies are identified in the program resources Implementation of the action plan must be documented and results measured by ongoing resource assessment. | Section 1-560 - Program Evaluations. Results of student, faculty, and employer surveys are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief. Copies of Advisory Board minutes are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief which reflect reviewing these survey results. |
CAAHEP Standard IV.A. - Student Evaluation | Evaluation of students must be conducted on a recurrent basis and with sufficient frequency to provide both the students and program faculty with valid and timely indications of the students’ progress toward and achievement of the competencies and learning domains stated in the curriculum. Achievement of the program competencies required for graduation must be assessed by criterion-referenced, summative, comprehensive final evaluations in all learning domains. | Sub-Section 3-490-40 - Paramedic Academy Grade Calculation. |
Records of student evaluations must be maintained in sufficient detail to document learning progress and achievements, including all program required minimum competencies in all learning domains in the didactic, laboratory, clinical and field experience/internship phases of the program. | Section 1-680 - Course and Student Records. | |
The program must track and document that each student successfully meets each of the program established minimum patient/skill requirements for the appropriate exit point according to patient age-range, chief complaint, and interventions. | Sub-Section 3-490-46 - Paramedic Academy Laboratory, Scenario, and Simulation Requirements. Sub-Section 3-490-48 - Paramedic Academy Clinical Requirements. | |
CAAHEP Standard IV.B. - Outcomes | The program must periodically assess its effectiveness in achieving its stated goals and learning domains. The results of this evaluation must be reflected in the review and timely revision of the program. Outcomes assessments must include, but are not limited to: national or state credentialing examination(s) performance, programmatic retention/attrition, graduate satisfaction, employer satisfaction, job (positive) placement, and programmatic summative measures (i.e. final comprehensive students evaluations in all learning domains). The program must meet the outcomes assessment thresholds established by the CoAEMSP "Positive placement" means that the graduate is employed full or part-time in the profession or in a related field; or continuing his/her education; or serving in the military. A related field is one in which the individual is using cognitive, psychomotor, and affective competencies acquired in the educational program. The program must periodically submit to the CoAEMSP the program goal(s), learning domains, evaluation systems (including type, cut score, and appropriateness/validity), outcomes, its analysis of the outcomes, and an appropriate action plan based on the analysis. Programs not meeting the established thresholds must begin a dialogue with the CoAEMSP to develop an appropriate plan of action to respond to the identified shortcomings. | Section 1-720 - Academy Statistics. |
CAAHEP Standard V.A. - Publications and Disclosure | Announcements, catalogs, publications, and advertising must accurately reflect the program offered. | Part 2 - Student Manual. Section 3.490 - Paramedic Academy. |
At least the following must be made known to all applicants and students: the sponsor’s institutional and programmatic accreditation status as well as the name, mailing address, web site address, and phone number of the accrediting agencies; | Sub-Section 3.490.04 - Paramedic Academy Accreditation. | |
admissions policies and practices, including technical standards (when used); | Section 3.490.12 - Paramedic Academy Prerequisites. Sub-Section 3.490.20 - Paramedic Academy Application and Selection Process. | |
policies on advanced placement, | Sub-Section 3.490.24 - Paramedic Academy Military Advanced Placement. Sub-Section 3.490.26 - Paramedic Academy Registered Nurse Advanced Placement. Sub-Section 3.490.28 - Non-Accredited Paramedic Graduate Advanced Placement. Sub-Section 3.490.32 - Paramedic Academy Retake Advanced Placement. | |
transfer of credits, | Sub-Section 3.490.30 - Paramedic Academy Anatomy and Physiology Transfer Credit. | |
and credits for experiential learning; | Sub-Section 3.490.22 - Paramedic Academy Experiential Learning. | |
number of credits required for completion of the program; | Sub-Section 3.490.38 - Paramedic Academy Academic Progress. | |
tuition/fees and other costs required to complete the program; | Sub-Section 3.490.16 - Paramedic Academy Tuition Details. | |
policies and processes for withdrawal and for refunds of tuition/fees. | Section 2.200 - Refund Policy. | |
At least the following must be made known to all students: academic calendar, | Section 2.720 - Generic Education Calendar. | |
student grievance procedure, | Section 2.480 - Appeal and Grievance Procedure. | |
criteria for successful completion of each segment of the curriculum and for graduation, | Sub-Section 3.490.38 - Paramedic Academy Academic Progress. | |
and policies and processes by which students may perform clinical work while enrolled in the program. | Sub-Section 3.490.52 - EMS 506 (Paramedicine Clinical Experience I) Course. Sub-Section 3.490.60 - EMS 516 (Paramedicine Clinical Experience II) Course. Sub-Section 3.490.66 - EMS 526 (Paramedicine Field Experience) Course. Sub-Section 3.490.70 - EMS 536 (Paramedicine Field Internship) Course. | |
The sponsor must maintain, and make available to the public, current and consistent summary information about student/graduate achievement that includes the results of one or more of the outcomes assessments required in these Standards. The sponsor should develop a suitable means of communicating to the communities of interest the achievement of students/graduates (e.g., through a website or electronic or printed documents). | Section 1.720 - Academy Statistics. | |
CAAHEP Standard V.B. - Lawful and Non-Discriminatory Practices | All activities associated with the program, including student and faculty recruitment, student admission, and faculty employment practices, must be non-discriminatory and in accord with federal and state statutes, rules, and regulations. There must be a faculty grievance procedure made known to all paid faculty. | Refer to CMH Employee Policies. |
A program conducting educational activities in other State(s) must provide documentation to CoAEMSP that the program has successfully informed the state Office of EMS that the program has enrolled students in that state. | No activities occur in other states. | |
CAAHEP Standard V.C. - Safeguards | The health and safety of patients, students, faculty, and other participants associated with the educational activities of the students must be adequately safeguarded. All activities required in the program must be educational and students must not be substituted for staff. | Sub-Section 3.490.48 - Paramedic Academy Clinical Requirements. |
CAAHEP Standard V.D. - Student Records | Satisfactory records must be maintained for student admission, advisement, counseling, and evaluation. Grades and credits for courses must be recorded on the student transcript and permanently maintained by the sponsor in a safe and accessible location. | Section 1.680 - Course and Student Records. |
CAAHEP Standard V.E. - Substantive Change | The sponsor must report substantive change(s) as described in Appendix A to CAAHEP/CoAEMSP in a timely manner. Additional substantive changes to be reported to CoAEMSP within the time limits prescribed include:
NA |
CAAHEP Standard V.F. - Agreements | There must be a formal affiliation agreement or memorandum of understanding between the sponsor and all other entities that participate in the education of the students describing the relationship, roles, and responsibilities of the sponsor and that entity. | Copies of all articulation and affiliation agreements are on file with the PHS Clinical Chief. |
Date | Link topreviousversion | Description of change |
09/20/20 | Moved this section to the online format. | |
12/23/21 | Integrated A&P and removed links to BIO courses. |
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CMH EMS Education Mission: "Provide state-of-the-art education to develop and support a team of exceptional emergency medical professionals." |
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